miercuri, 23 decembrie 2015

Spice model for MJL3281A and MJL1302 a closing approach to real measurement or datasheet measures

         The first model MJL3281A is a NPN transistor, rated to 260V Vce voltage and 15 Amperes continuos current. The second model is MJL1302A and is complentary to MJL3281A. This transistors has a constant beta from several miliamperes 50mA to 2A , and the pair is matched to 10% from 50mA to 5A. This transistors is suitable for high performance audio amplifiers. The spice models work with many spice simulator like LTSPICE , Multisim and others. I prefer LTSPICE because allowed us to work with upper levels of simulation . I know that it allow us level 9 for bipolar transistors.

.MODEL mjl3281a_neu NPN IS=9.8145e-12 BF=438.0 NF=1.00 VAF=38 IKF=19.0 ISE=1.0e-12 NE=1.1237388682 BR=4.98985 NR=1.09511 VAR=4.32026 IKR=4.37516 ISC=3.25e-13 NC=3.96875 RB=3.997 RE=0.00 RC=0.06 XTB=0.115253 XTI=1.03146 EG=1.11986 CJE=1.144e-08 VJE=0.468574 MJE=0.34957 TF=2.6769e-9 XTF=7500 VTF=3.0 ITF=1000 CJC=1.093685e-9 VJC=0.623643 MJC=0.482111 XCJC=0.959922 FC=0.1 CJS=0 VJS=0.75 MJS=0.5 TR=1e-07 PTF=0 KF=0 AF=1 Vceo=200 Icrating=15 mfg=OnSemiconductor

.MODEL mjl1302a_neu PNP IS=9.8145e-12 BF=122.925 NF=1.00 VAF=40 IKF=19 ISE=9.18577762370362E-07 NE=5.0 BR=4.98985 NR=1.09511 VAR=4.32026 IKR=4.37516 ISC=3.25e-13 NC=3.96875 RB=3.30 RE=0.00 RC=0.06 XTB=0.115253 XTI=1.03146 EG=1.11986 CJE=1.561e-08 VJE=0.781803 MJE=0.433868 TF=3.257e-9 XTF=1000 VTF=2.0 ITF=260 CJC=2.346838e-9 VJC=0.27876 MJC=0.411324 XCJC=0.959922 FC=0.1 CJS=0 VJS=0.75 MJS=0.5 TR=1e-07 PTF=0 KF=0 AF=1 Vceo=200 Icrating=15 mfg=OnSemiconductor